Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Finding Time to Edit

With my busy schedule like everyone else, you find the time.  Except with kids and daily routine such as priorities that come up I have to work around it all and go with the flow.  Many times I have no choice but be a mom, keep the house front clean and make sure our fridge is replenished.  

My best time to edit and write were early nights from 7 PM to 12 or 1 AM.  I sleep in the next day, preferably Saturday and husband takes care of the kids.   With my son now 3 going to school, I can go back to my near old schedule.  I have about six hours during the week to catch up on writing a scene or such.  Fridays were my review days to see what was written so far on the story.   The story has been revised over the years and for the most part I am happy with it.  

What is your schedule?  How you make it work for you? Mornings are get kids to school times and keeping up with other tasks.  I drink a bit of coffee to warm up for the day. I also remember to make a cognitive meal the night before if I am going to use a lot of organizing and writing out ideas so my brain doesn't sputter out.  It does have a time when it says I'm done.   So this is the pile to work through.  I forgot to use double sided printing so there's more in the Amazon box and the notes.  If all goes well, next week is the plan between the project so the idea is to stay focused.  Happy writing and good luck on your projects!

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